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My anonymity

Using this service, you can check how anonymous you are on the network, how much the data provided by your computer/browser matches the data provided by your IP address.

Your IP :

copy ip


Your result:


Check, please wait

info logo

IP information

  • IP

  • DNS

  • Host/Provider

  • Country

  • Standard Time Zone

    UTC/GMT undefined hours
  • Time zone

  • City

  • Index

  • Black list

device logo


  • Device


  • Browser


  • System time

  • User Agent

  • User Agent JS

  • Language

  • Language JS

anonymity and security logo

Anonymity and security

  • DNS Leak

  • Proxy

  • Open HTTP proxy ports

  • VPN

  • Open VPN Ports

  • Tor

  • Anonymizer

  • Open Web proxy ports

  • Cookies

  • DoNotTrack

  • Flash

  • Java

  • ActiveX

  • WebRTC

  • Open ports

  • Black list

  • Suspicious headlines

  • Suspicious ports

  • Two-way ping

  • UserAgent Replacement

  • Your Headings


More about checking anonymity

Anonymous proxy servers are a popular and effective form of IP address protection on the Internet. They act as an intermediary between your computer and the visited web resource. Private proxies that hide IPs can be divided into 3 categories:

  • simple anonymous: do not hide the fact of using proxy servers, but when displaying information about the user, they replace your IP with their data;
  • distorting: they do not conceal the authenticity of the use of a proxy, but the client’s IP is substituted for an arbitrary or random one;
  • elite anonymous: they do not even disclose the very fact of a proxy server, but instead of your IP there is a proxy server address.

Based on this, it becomes clear that it is better to use elite anonymous servers for safe and maximum secret work on the Internet.

How and for what proxy anonymity is checked

When choosing and in the future when using a proxy, the client has every right to make sure of its anonymity. It becomes possible to check this parameter using special online services. At the same time, it is important to use only those that guarantee the accuracy and complete confidentiality of information, and most importantly – confidence in the protection of your data.

To solve this problem, you can use our online service. It helps to check anonymity on the Internet, taking into account the following criteria:

  • IP address data;
  • host, location, coordinates;
  • OS, browser;
  • IP time zone;
  • the presence of the UserAgent application that provides access to websites;
  • language;
  • screen resolution;
  • the fact of using a proxy, VPN, Tor, anonymizer;
  • presence of programming languages ​​and programs that define them: Flash, Java, ActiveX, WebRTC, WebRTC IPs;
  • the number of open ports;
  • blacklist presence.

After such a detailed check, the screen will display all the main items that determine the level of anonymity of your IP. Obtaining this information will also help you check IP blocking. You will understand which proxy servers you can use and which ones are better not.

Why check IP anonymity is needed

The IP address gives detailed information about who is using it and from where. Often, this kind of data helps the owners of certain Web services create a fairly detailed profile about a person and use it for their own purposes. It is good if this is done only to collect statistics, but the information obtained can also be used by attackers.

So, for example, many site security systems can easily detect the use of a proxy by a particular user and block it without any notification, thus eliminating the protection of the IP address. Often gambling services, hackers and various scammers turn to such frauds.

The verification tool accurately determines the anonymity of the proxy, shows its use and the real type of user. Having received such information, the client can either confirm his safety, or (in its absence) provide it to himself as soon as possible.

Using this service, you can check the degree of anonymity on the network, as well as the fact that the data provided by your computer / browser matches the data provided by your IP address. Also, with the help of our online service, it will be possible to check the IP for blocking.