Scopri il tuo computer IP o server sulla rete
Nascondi il tuo indirizzo IP con deleghe personali da! Proteggi i dati personali, rimani anonimo, nascondi i tuoi posizione e aggira i siti di blocco con server proxy!
Paese | |
Città | |
Codice postale | |
Host | |
Sistema | |
Il tuo browser | |
Fornitore | |
Anonimizzatore | |
Procuratore | |
Protocollo | |
Lista nera |
As you can see, quite detailed information is provided by IP.
When connected to the Internet, the computer is assigned a number called IP (Internet Protocol Address). It should be noted that the assignment is not arbitrary, but the IP that is available to the provider and is free. IP changes after disconnecting when reconnecting. These IPs are called dynamic. If you want it to be unchanged, contact your ISP. Usually, non-dynamic is available for a fee. It is also called external. It is often tracked by specialized online programs, determining the accompanying information about the owner. Internal IP or local is called the individual address of a PC (laptop) in a local network.